Thursday, January 5, 2012

Franken The Final Frontier

You want to know how nutty I am? I am nutty enough to have dreams about nail polish. I can only hope that others to do, so I don't feel so crazy! I had this dream the other night about this nail polish that looked like space. It literally looked like Hubble Telescope photos. It was a Deborah Lippmann polish (in my dream). It was in a store and there was only one bottle left. I ran to go get it, but some girl snatched it up before me. Curse her! Anyways, when I woke up I had recreate it. I went on a franken frenzy and this was my result.

The Final Frontier

Final Frontier is a black jelly with copper shimmer, iridescent glitter, and multi-colored flakies (mainly green ones though).

This was a combination of MULTIPLE polishes. I have no idea how to recreate this, but if you're interested I used the following....

Clear, WnW Black Creme, Pure Ice Don't You Wish, Confetti Ice Ice Baby, Sinful Colors Green Ocean, Cult Nails Unicorn Puke, Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure, Love & Beauty Blue Multi , Sinful Colors Agaci, and Sinful Colors Suede Shoes

I *think* that's it. I know that's a lot, but I was in mad scientist frankening mood! I'm impressed with my result. I'm not much of a frankener, but doing this makes me want to do more. I don't consider myself the most creative of people, but I have moments. I admire really creative people. I wish I was creative all the time. Where is the creative juice?

Happy Thursday!


  1. I WANT THIS!!! O_O  This is stunning!!!!

  2. Oh but this is so AWESOME! YOU SHOULD SELL DECANTS OF IT FOR PROFIT. Anyway moving on, the one thing that makes me wanna cry is the fact that you used Unicorn Puke! I don't have that or many other flakies but...I do have holo and glitter. Hmmmm. 

  3. So awesome you dream of a polish and then recreate <3! So very creative!

  4. Oh, wow! This is so awesome! It reminds me of a some of the Koh flakie polishes.

  5. thenailpolishrehabcandidateJanuary 5, 2012 at 2:01 PM

    Wow! I love this!

  6. very pretty.. what a mixture of polish too... I have had dreams of polish before, so you are not crazy, but I'm too embarrased to say what it was buahahhahahaha :-P & Maria if you ever read this.. YOU BETTER NOT say anything!

  7. this is absolutely amazing in every way. I WANT THIS!!. 

  8. Wow, this is completely gorgeous! Great job!!

  9. Fantastic!  I love the color (and the name!) :)

  10. Well done, that is just amazing!! I would buy it in a heartbeat!

  11. Haha, you are not alone in dreaming about nail polish! This is AWESOME!

  12. Love everything about this! I've had nail polish dreams're not alone!

  13. Steph, I friggin love this!!

  14. I really love how this looks! I have dreams about polish ALL the time. I think I have a problem. 

  15. This is AWESOME!!!!  I haven't dreamed about polish, but I definitely understand it.  It's one of your loves ;0).  Were you still mad at the girl when you woke up?  That happens to me, lol.

    Anyway, great turn out.  It looks great!

  16. This is beautiful! I love it Steph! Bravo!

  17. I love it!!! Especially the name.. I'm a Trekkie ;) 
    I dream about polish often. I usually dream up weird colors and then go to recreate it when I wake up.

  18. I'M IN LOVE. this is so gorgeous!!! obsessed with that coppery-red flash it has there!

  19. Thank you! I felt it needed something extra besides just being a black base.

  20. I'm a Trekkie too :D. 

  21. Haha, yes I was. If I dream about people I know who are mean to me in dreams. I often wake up mad at them too :P. 

  22. Thanks! I'm glad I'm not alone. :P

  23. Aww thanks! :) You have quite the stash of amazingness. That means a lot coming from you! 

  24. Thanks! That's neat!

  25. Thanks. I'm impulsive, I had to do it!

  26. I used very little Unicorn Puke. It is mainly Sinful Green Ocean flakie. :) 

  27. omg, this one really looks amazing, love it :-D

  28. Steph, this is INSANE!!!! As a long time and eternal Star Trek fan, this is just perfect!! And you're so right; it really does look like some images sent back from the Hubble telescope! need to make more ASAP!!! I'll be first in line to buy one!


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