Monday, November 28, 2011

China Glaze Holly-Day

Something must of came over me. I think I've had more green polishes on this blog in this past month than I've had on this blog's existence. What can I say? I'm liking some greens lately! I think it's because it's the holidays and they're producing more of those deep greens that tend to look better on my skin tone.

China Glaze Holly-Day
Holly-Day is a medium forest green creme.

I really love this green! Usually with greens for me they have to be dark and have some type of glitter or shimmer for me to like it. This does not, and I love it. I got this in a set with 2 other China Glaze polishes, and without even giving it a second glance I was going to throw it in the swap pile. I'm so glad I didn't. I'll be keeping this green!

Happy Monday!


  1. I've been on a green kick lately, too!  This is a great green creme.  Ooooh...I bet this would look good with ChG Whitecap over top...

  2. This is lovely :) I've been going through the same thing--only with grey! I used to hate it, but now I can't get enough!

  3. Oooo... This looks so great on you! I really want it now! :)

  4. yay for greens!! haha, i love this on you, it looks great:]

  5. Love it, and it looks amazing on your skintone!! Keep the greens coming, I can never get enough! =)

  6. Thanks! I'm warming up to greens. It's all about finding the right one!

  7. Ever since I saw the polish from the Zoya Feel collection I've been getting into a gray phase too.

  8. Ooo that would be a cool combination!

  9. This green looks amazing on you! It's a very beautiful shade of green. 

  10. I love this colour.  So glad that I got it!! :D  Great swatch!

  11. I really like this color. But I love green :-)

  12. Pretty! I absolutely love green polish and always have. I actually have Revlon Emerald City (a matte suede formula) on my nails now and can't stop staring at them! I'm glad you're coming around on the greens; they look good on you. :)


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