Wednesday, February 13, 2013

OPI Thanks a Windmillion

Storytime: I thought for probably over 8 months I owned Zoya Bevin. When Zoya's 3 Free promo came around I thought this would be a great opportunity to get Zoya Wednesday which I had always had my eye on. I ordered Zoya Wednesday, and then I went to look at my Zoya stash. I picked up what I thought was Zoya Bevin, and looked under the bottle and saw it said "Wednesday".


I looked through all my other Zoyas, and I did not find Zoya Bevin. Apparently, this entire time I had Zoya Wednesday and never had Zoya Bevin in the first place. How did  this happened? I don't know. I guess I assumed I had Bevin, and never bothered to check! Oops! Anyways, I now had an extra Zoya Wednesday coming to me, and I wanted Bevin! I found out Zoya Bevin and OPI Thanks a Windmillion were dupes, and Bridget over at Luxe Beauty Forever swapped me her OPI Thanks a Windmillion for my Zoya Wednesday!  Problem solved. Thanks Bridget!

Thanks a Windmillion

Thanks a Windmillion is a dusty sea foam green creme.

Gorgeous! You know green is not a typical color I wear, so this is different for me. I absolutely adore this color. I suck at describing colors I love. This is just beautiful, and I think you all need it! Look at it! Thanks a Windmillion was part of OPI Holland Spring 2012 collection.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. So funny! Don't we all do that?!? lol, polish girl problems!!

    Anyways, I heart green's like this! It looks great on you!

  2. This is one of my fav's EVER! Looks great on you Steph ♥.

  3. I ended up with both Windamill and Bevin and the OPI wears faaaaarrrr better than Bevin does for me. It's hard for me to find a soft mint that does not turn me red - but I can wear Windamill!

  4. Looks amazing on you, Steph. I love it <3 <3

  5. This is really beautiful! I didn't pick up any from the collection when it first came out, but now they are growing on me.

  6. Lol about the Wednesday/Bevin mix up. I got Wednesday thinking it would subdue my Bevin/Windmillion lemming but in the end, I had to get the OPI to feed the lemming beast. But omg, is it perfection in a bottle. Looks great on you!


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