
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Icing Rock Star From Mars

I have no idea when I got this polish that it was part of some random Charlie Sheen collection. Why Icing? Why? Of all people that is the person you choose to be inspired by for nail choose Charlie Sheen? Oh well. That aside I like this polish.

Rock Star From Mars over Sally Hansen Blew Me Away

Rock Star From Mars is a bright blue sheer jelly with gold iridescent glitter.

This is definitely a layering polish. There is not a reasonable amount of coats you can do on this where it would look good. I still really like this. I love the gold and blue combination. I just wish the gold iridescent glitter in this was a bit more pigmented so it showed up more. It's a pretty glitter. The last time I was at Icing, I was really impressed with the amount of glittery polishes they had. They all were pretty awesome!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Eeeeew why would they choose him for a polish line inspiration???!!!!  Gross!!

    Anywho, this polish looks FABULOUS!!! :D  I love the colour!!

  2. I love Icing's glitter polishes! They have some really nice ones. :)

  3. Charlie Sheen is the best inspiration for a glitzy over the top glitter! ;) I love this one on you, you look so nice with blue polish!

  4. I didn't even know The Icing themed their collections! But this is a pretty color!

  5. I didn't know there was more to the Charlie Sheen collection LOL.. other than Winning and Tigers Blood or something like that! This one is pretty

  6. That is SUCH a pretty combo!! I love it.

  7. This color is stunning! Cracks me up that it's amCharlie Sheen inspired polish:)

  8. its so pretty, that is bizarre about a charlie sheen collection.

  9. This color is gorgeous! I must have it!

  10. LOL I want this collection. I love the colors and the names of all of these. too bad I don't have an Icing store here at all. :(

  11. i love this!

    I'd like to recommend my iPod giveaway, it is open internationally! Thank you :)

  12. LOVE this combination!  :D  I am lemming Rock Star from Mars sooooooo bad.  :D

  13. Oh my! LOL over there being a Charlie Sheen polish! I could not have lived had I not learned that tidbit to add to my polish trivia! Mars in the name I get - polish can be shiny and have a SHEEN - get that. NAW - working on it and it still is not making any sense other than he was the top paid TV actor for a # of years so Icing thought to cash in on that end of his erratic life???? No one around me carries Icing. I would like it if it would come up this way.


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